
Thursday 5 July 2012

Author Interview - Brooklyn Hudson

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Genre - Supernatural Thriller
Rating - R
More details about the author & the book

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Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book. 
You should read my book because it blends many subplots and events, delivering thrills for lovers of all genres. 

Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects? 
Currently I have a deadline for the second draft of the WISHBONE screen adaption.  I plan on completing the follow up novel to WISHBONE by summer, and then focusing on one of three plots I’ve wanted to get my teeth into for over a year. So far I have them fleshed out in my mind, but I’d really like to get to work on one of them before the fall. 

What inspired you to want to become a writer?
Stephen King, beyond a shadow of a doubt.  I read Cujo as a child.  It was my first adult read and I loved what it did to me.  The thrill and entertainment it provided.  I already had an inkling that I would write and had already begun my crude attempts, but after reading Cujo I knew WHAT I wanted to write and who had set that bar for me .In a more vague sense, movies inspired me; television too.  I wanted to write and entertain and my interest spread into other mediums of writing. 

Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published. 
I have a neighbor who has become a good friend.  She confessed to me that she hadn’t read a book n decades and couldn’t find the time nor interest to do so.  She said this in almost an apologetic way, like…congrats on your book, but I won’t be reading it. A few weeks later she was at my house and picked up a paperback version of the book.  I told her to give it a try and there would be no hard feelings if she couldn’t make it to the end.  That night she text me at 1 a.m., already one-third of the way through the book, and she couldn’t put it down.  If I can turn a non-reader into a reader…I’m doing okay. 

If you could jump in to a book, and live in that world.. which would it be? 
Jurassic Park, hands down! 

What is your dream cast for your book?
 My Dream Cast….
Julien Grenier: Olivier Martinez
Rachael Grenier: Michelle Monoghan (she can go from sweet to a glint in her eye on a dime)
Sarah: I wrote that role with Lauren Ambrose in mind.  If she’s aged out of the role, perhaps an unknown.
Jerome: There is a great French actor who I modeled Jerome after named, Moussa Maaskri
Arlette: Francis Conroy
Matt: He was a total figment of my imagination.  I would cast a very special unknown.
Dr. Lind: Lord Richard Attenborough

What was your favorite book when you were a teen?  
I was turned on to Stephen King at a pretty young age.  I read Cujo first and followed it up with anything he wrote. I also read a lot of John Saul and then Koontz.

Is there a song you could list as the theme song for your book or any of your characters? 
I have an entire soundtrack for WISHBONE.  Specific songs for specifi scenes.  The one thing that is very important to me is that after two hours of heavy dramatic events and scares, I would really like the end rolling credit to have a specific light hearted voice over (which I've written) set to It’s Magic, by Pilot. 

What's one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors? 
Write, write, and write some more.  And write for yourself…not to get rich, not to be famous.  Just write, and write what you love to write about.  Your audience might not be your best friend or your college professor, but I guarantee you there is an audience out there for what you like to write about, just waiting to read and dig your work. 

If you could choose only one time period and place to live, when and where would you live and why? 
I’d like to come back in 1957 as an 18 or 19 year old man and live from that point on in those shoes.

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be
In Maine on the water, lots of trees.  I need a loft with a view to write from.  Maybe a balcony off the loft to write outdoors when the weather permits.  Lots of snow…a boat.  

What is your favorite Quote? 
We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams. ~Willie Wonka 

When you were little, what did you want to be when you "grew up"? 
A writer and Joan Jett. 

If a movie was made about your life, who would you want to play the lead role and why?  
Joan Jett did some acting

How did you know you should become an author? 
I found it so easy to create stories in my mind.  I looked at everything pondering What if? And I loved telling those stories or writing them down.  I loved entertaining people with them.  Growing up, when there was a story to be told, most would look at me and say, you tell ‘em.

Who are your favorite authors of all time? 
Stephen King.  I know you probably hear that a lot, but it’s the truth.  King is our rock star of writing and while his style and skill can be debated till doomsday, he is clearly the greatest author success story of my lifetime. The guy can tell a story and we can’t take that away from him.  If I can be 1/16th as prolific as King, I can someday go to my grave feeling a success. Peter Benchley is another favorite. Michael Crichton too. 

Can you see yourself in any of your characters? 
Not really.  One person close to me mentioned that Julien has a lot of emotional walls built around him, as do I.  Sometimes, surprisingly, I see a little of myself in Sarah – scary, I know.  But she is stuck in her own world and really doesn’t mean to hurt anyone…she just wants what she wants and she’s frustrated.  I have a little of that in me for sure.

What's the craziest writing idea you've had? 
I’d say death by chickens touches on crazy, no? 

What's the best advice anyone has ever given you? 
I lost my parents very, very young and was blessed to be partially raised by an amazing woman named Ola Hudson – look her up.  She was an incredible clothing designer, writer, photographer, the mother of Slash, the guitarist from Guns N’ Roses, and Ash, the founder of CONART CLOTHING.  She designed all the Ziggy Stardust clothing for Bowie, and clothes for everyone from John Lennon to Diana Ross.  Quite honestly the most influential entity ever in my life.  We lost her far too young only two years ago. Having been raised in a traditional, blue-collar, hardworking Italian family first, creativity was somewhat suppressed by the advice to not dream so big and secure a future.  When Ola stepped into my life, that all changed.  She told me to be who I want to be and others will believe it.  Dress not for the job you have but for the one you want.  Be it and it will be.

Hidden talent? 
I’m told I have a way of telling someone off without them getting angry.  Oh, and I can tame houseflies. I had an Uncle who was a WWF Wrestler back in the early days and he taught me how. 

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