
Sunday 22 July 2012

Author Interview - Gregory G. Allen

How did you know you should become an author?
I was a story teller as an actor, director, producer, stage writer … I knew I needed to get these stories out of my head and share them.

What is your favorite Quote?
"In the end, it's not the years in your life that counts. It's the life in your years." - Abe Lincoln

Who are your favorite authors of all time?
At the risk of offending many female writers that I love - John Irving, Augusten Burroughs, Richard Matheson, Armistead Maupin, Tennessee Williams

What is your dream cast for your book?
I honestly try not to cast the book from Hollywood people. I'd prefer my readers to cast it in their head with people they've made up.

Can you see yourself in any of your characters?
Absolutely. Sometimes a piece of me lives in each…I just don't share which piece.

What's the craziest writing idea you've had?
A lot of mine are crazy in that I usually twist my stories in a way that people don't see something coming. So I think that 'crazy' works in my favor.

What's one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors?
There are rules…and there are times to bend them. Stay true to who you are.

Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.I write about real people, the way they really speak, and allow readers to discover things about themselves in the process. 

Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects?  I have a few other adult novels I'm working on, but also marketing my children's book right now. 

If you could travel in a Time Machine would you go back to the past or into the future?
I love time travel books and movies so I would have to go back in time. Check out those periods before technology over took our worlds (he says writing on a computer).

If you could invite any 5 people to dinner who would you choose?
Augusten Burroughs
Hilary Clinton
Barbra Streisand
Anderson Cooper
Anne Rice

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you want with you?
Potatoes - my favorite food 
iPad - with a loaded kindle app
A bar a soap - I like to be clean, what can I say?

What is one book everyone should read? 
Such a loaded question because we all have different taste. I love the book Bid Time Return…but most know it as the movie Somewhere in Time

If you were a superhero what would your name be? 
Over-Achiever Man

If you could meet one person who has died who would you choose? 
Abraham Lincoln

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? 
Cereal. And I'm not picky about the kind: just love the stuff!

Buy Now @ Amazon 
Genre - Contemporary Women's Fiction
Rating - PG13
More details about the author & the book

Connect with Gregory Allen on Twitter Facebook 

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