

Funny, serious things I want to achieve for the next one week, month or decade. 
If you have something to add, just leave a comment and we can share our possibilities. 

1. Have one hour of quiet time, daily. 
2. Read more paper books and less ebooks.
3. Drink less coffee.
4. Finish sewing the Halloween pumpkins by 31st?
5. Donate blood more than once a year.
6. To finish sorting out old family albums.
7. To finish compiling my recipe cuttings. 
8. To be mentally prepared for winter in June / July
9. To finish by TBR pile in a more timely manner


  1. I see you are slowly working on your list! What a neat idea.

    Just wanted to thank you again, for such a nice presentation for the OB Trick or Treat blog tour. I always love visiting your site.

    Robynn Gabel

  2. How will you complete the rest of your list if you do #3? ;)
