My rating: 4 of 5 stars
While I do not have first hand experience with Alzheimer's, I did experience a close friend's nan crumble to dementia and it was an emotional journey for all of us who had to see him go through day to day taking of her. I do remember the hardest part was when she did not recognise him or keep telling him she was in the wrong house.
It is by no means easy and a difficult journey for everyone involved so this fiction book by Eric Rill was especially interesting. On the one hand, you have a fictional character who has been built to connect with the reader emotionally. Did Eric Rill succeed? On so many different levels. On the other hand, the situation this fictional character faces is very much a reality.
The strongest part of this novel was how people react to something so big. We have so many ideas of what to do, how to do something until it happens to us and then it's a whole different story. Get your tissues ready and prepare yourself for a story that will touch your heart and make you appreciate life. In the end, it really is the small things that count.
Would I recommend this read? Very much. To a younger reader this may seem to be a wasted journey. To someone who has experience with a family member or friend with Alzheimer's or dementia, this will be one of the most powerful books you have read.
Overall assessment:
Content: 4/5
Editing: 4.5/5
Formatting: 4.5/5
Pacing: 4/5
Offensive content?: Based on language and settings, I would recommend this book for anyone aged 13 and above.
Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author. I did not receive any payment in exchange for this review nor was I obliged to write a positive one.
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