Monday 25 August 2014

#BookReview - Cast in Blood by Michelle Rabe @michrabe #ReviewShare #Paranormal

Cast in BloodCast in Blood by Michelle Rabe
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Morgan Blackstone is not your everyday vampire and I think this is what sets this book apart from the rest. The plot is highly original and right from the start the reader is hooked into Morgan Blackstone’s world. If you have read the multiple books that are similar to Twilight and think, “oh no, here’s another one,” you have my full assurance this book is nothing like Twilight.

The settings are rich and I liked that about this book. You are transported to the exact location of the character in the most creative of ways and you see their locations from the author’s worlds. In essence, Morgan Blackstone is faced with a big problem and the reader follows her on a journey to solve these problems.

Of course, in the spirit of drama, more problems pop up but the female lead is definitely one to behold. This book is intense and easily enjoyed. Will definitely be reading more books from this author.

Would I recommend this read? Absolutely. Any vampire or paranormal fan will definitely enjoy this book.

Overall assessment:
Content: 5/5
Editing: 4.5/5
Formatting: 4.5/5
Pacing: 4/5

Offensive content?: Based on language and settings, I would recommend this book for anyone aged 13 and above.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author. I did not receive any payment in exchange for this review nor was I obliged to write a positive one.

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