I completely recommend it to any married woman who's had the "who's doing the dishes" discussion. I'll be posting my review and an interview with this fascinating writer a littler later but so far it's had me and hubs in stitches.
About the book
***You will either LOVE this controversial book or you will HATE it. If you have no sense of humor, DO NOT BUY IT.***
- ‘I’m over forty. I don’t have a blankie. I have vodka.’
- Note: this is not a book of advice, how-to, or self-help. The author deconstructs stereotypes with satire. Totally different concept.
- ‘I write about men, women, sex, & chocolate. My experiences, my truth, my martinis.’
- *Note: Thompson employs hashtags (i.e., the # sign) in her collection. Google it. These are not typos, people #deargod.
- Looking for a humorous take on family relationships or love and romance? Look no further.
- Praise for The Mancode: Exposed – already a #1 bestseller in Marriage, Parenting & Families AND Parenting & Relationships!
–As a long time warrior in the Battle of the Sexes, I would’ve won a lot more skirmishes had I had a copy of Mancode in my saddle. Reaching back toward my shotgun, I would’ve found this collection. Instead of shooting the man, I could’ve said, “Stop acting like a man!” Buy Mancodeand stop wasting bullets. ~ Beth Wareham, author Power of No
–Finally! A woman who gets what I’m going through every day, from that whole spitting thing to my deep abiding love for chocolate. Well done! ~ Amber Scott, author of #1 Kindle bestsellers IRISH MOON, FIERCE DAWN, WANTED
–Mancode: Exposed is a scathingly funny, rapid fire and heartfelt look at men. Author Rachel Thompson delivers a satirical piece that invokes strong shades of Penny Marshall and Seth McFarlane. ~ Casey Ryan, Host & Creator, Cutting Room Floor radio program
Thanks so much for featuring me! xo
Ah! I want to read this! Man-Beast and I have the dishes argument often. And I'm always looking to read something that will make me laugh. Thanks! xo
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