Monday 1 October 2012

#Orangeberry Author Interview - John Wayne Falbey

Buy Now @ Amazon  & Smashwords
Genre – Techno-Political Thriller
Rating – PG
More details about the book
Connect with John Wayne Falbey on Twitter
Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book. It is relentlessly entertaining and thought provoking, and blends heart-stopping action with a dangerous and plausible political scenario of the USA’s destruction from within.
Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects? Currently editing/rewriting The Quixotics, a tale of three young Vietnam vets running guns to Anti-Castro guerillas in 1970.
What is your dream cast for your book? Only two are cast in stone at the moment: Clint Eastwood as Cliff Levell (and director) and Kate Beckinsale as Caitlin Whalen.
What was your favorite book when you were a child/teen? Probably any of the books in the Hardy Boys series.
What’s one piece of advice you would give aspiring authors? Don’t quit your day job. You may think you’re a master of prose, but your friends and family have to humor you.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Naples, Florida in the winter and Beaver Creek, Colorado in the summer – with side trips to Bora Bora.
What is your favorite Quote? What else could it be – “Let sleeping dogs lie.”
How did you know you should become an author? I always enjoyed creative writing opportunities in school and excelled (grade-wise) at it.
Who are your favorite authors of all time? Elmore Leonard, Robert B. Parker, Lee Child, Brad Thor. But the list is fluid.
Can you see yourself in any of your characters? Some part of me is in all of the six characters that comprise the Sleeping Dogs unit (scary isn’t it?). A large part of me is in the character of Rick Stevens in The Quixotics.
What’s the best advice anyone has ever given you? Never settle for second best.
How do you react to a bad review? Like Mr. T: “I pity the fool.”
You have won one million dollars what is the first thing that you would buy? Pay off the mortgage.
If someone wrote a book about your life, what would the title be? Don’t underestimate this guy!
Give us a glimpse into a typical day in your day starting when you wake up till you lie down again. Unlike many authors, I don’t start the day by writing. That’s because I haven’t quit my day job, which is real estate development. I take care of pressing issues in the first half of the day, then do my writing in the afternoon and early evening.
Who or what inspired you to become an author? I think I gravitated to it naturally. I have always been a voracious reader. Plus I have a large vocabulary and like to wordsmith. Being a lawyer in my early career helped me learn to structure sentences and paragraphs better than the average joe.
How did you celebrate the sale of your first book? Great steaks and wine with my wife at the Capital Grille.
In your wildest dreams, which author would you love to co-author a book with? Brad Thor.

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