Thursday 8 November 2012

#OBTreat Orangeberry Trick or Treat - Top 10 Things I Fear by JA Howell

Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – Romantic Suspense (PG13)
Connect with JA Howell on Facebook & Twitter
Top 10 Things I Fear
  1. Bugs, especially ones with wings (Kill it with FIRE please!)
  2. Large spiraling stairs (more specifically tripping and falling down all of them).
  3. Sitting near strangers on public transportation.
  4. My mother’s driving.
  5. Being poked in the eye (I will flee the room if an eye gets punctured in a movie).
  6. Semi-trucks (Thank you, Final Destination )
  7. Swimming in water that I can’t see the bottom  (I DO live inFloridaafter all!)
  8. The dark.
  9. Driving in the snow (Again…I’m inFlorida).
  10.  Someone hiding in my back seat (it happens so often in horror movies).

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