Friday 30 November 2012

#PUYB Book Review - Captain by Thomas Block

CaptainCaptain by Thomas Block
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

There were many different layers to this book and each of it seemed to be buried under technical details. There were bits that were so nail-biting and enjoyable, then there were bits you just couldn't relate to. I liked the way Captain Thomas Block introduces all these little issues that sidetrack you from the real story. Quite like a MacGuffin and kept the book going.

How would I have done it differently? Less on the technicalities. Yes, when you're a pilot it's easy to understand things from that side of the plane. But as a passenger who loves to read, some of what was described in the book was really hard to relate to.

Still, the story was well-written, characters well-developed and the ending came as a pleasant surprise. I liked the book but probably wouldn't read it again.

Would I recommend this read? Yes, to anyone who likes aviation or technical details.

Overall assessment:
Content: 4/5
Editing: 4.5/5
Formatting: 4.5/5
Pacing: 3.5/5
Offensive content?: PG to PG13, mostly for theme and content.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author through Pump Up Your Book. I did not receive any payment in exchange for this review nor was I obliged to write a positive one.

View all my reviews

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