Friday 11 October 2013

Author Interview – Chris Myers

Image of Chris Myers
Why do I write? Because it’s better than talking to out loud to the voices in my head.
How do I write? Sometimes a laptop but most times on a desktop with two huge monitors.
Where do you get support from? I belong to an online critique group, two writers groups, a local critique group, and an epub group.
Who designed the cover? Me. My first one sucked, but I get better each time. Would I use a cover artist? Sure, but it takes the fun out of it.
What are my goals as a writer? To make enough money to quit my real job.
Can we expect any more books from you in the future? Most definitely. I have over a hundred book ideas written down, several of which are even half written. The Ripsters series should have six to seven books in the series. My Lennon’s Girls Trilogy is almost complete, and I have a dark, edgy thriller that should be out in November that’s already written.
Date with the Dead
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - YA Paranormal Mystery, Romance
Rating – PG-13
More details about the author and the book
Connect with Chris Myers on Facebook & Twitter

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks Ravina for posting the author interview!


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