Saturday 26 October 2013

Ramz Artso - What Inspired Me to Write My First Book

What Inspired Me to Write My First Book

Since early childhood, I’ve always been a storyteller. I’d always come up with an extra episode or two of my favorite cartoons or try to picture a day in the life of some random animal – like a rabbit, for instance, or a fox. When I turned a little older, somewhere around eight, I think, I began drawing. More often than not, my ‘masterpieces’ would consist of screenshots, if you will. Anywhere from four to twelve slots would fit on one sheet of A4 paper, and together, they would tell some simple, short story. I usually drew UFO battles and racing cars, as well as evil witches dancing around cauldrons on broomsticks.

When teenage years came knocking on my door, I began considering becoming a director. But that was a long shot, so I started reading instead. Reading made me realize that I could write down my thoughts and create worlds, and after having read Harry Potter, I got so inspired that I decided to give it a try. I had nothing to lose after all, only my dreams. It took a lot of plotting and rewriting, but in the end, I had roughly two hundred pages entitled Eldar Cornavian. For various reasons I’m not going to state here, the book never saw the light of day.

Time passed and I grew older. Writing was no longer a priority in my life, as socializing with my peers was much more exciting. But the tumult of teenage years sizzled out and it just so happened that the event coincided with my watching of Christopher Nola’s Inception. It inspired me so much, I immediately took to concocting a new plot before hitting the keyboard and bringing my ideas into existence. Sometime later, I was done writing Peter Simmons and the Sovereign, which I later split into three different books, entitled Peter Simmons and the Vessel of Time, Peter Simmons and the Sarpian Triplets, and Peter Simmons and the Sovereign. I’ve done so much thinking and plotting that it’s safe to say you can expect at least another five Peter Simmons installments. If they catch on, that is.

In addition to everything that’s been said, I also like to point out that writing is a cathartic experience for me. I have so many ideas clogging my mind that I just can’t do without sharing my stories with the world. The notion of awakening emotions within people is titillating; it’s one of the main things about creative writing that keeps me going. I love scribbling, and don’t know what I’d do without it. Storytelling is my passion. It’s my life, and I really mean it.


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Genre – Young-adult, Action and Adventure, Coming of Age, Sci-fi

Rating – PG-13

More details about the author and the book

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