Thursday 24 October 2013

Author Interview – Kristen James @writerkristenj

Image of Kristen James

Tell us a bit about your family.

My husband and I have a blended family of six kids—five sons and one daughter.

How do you work through self-doubts and fear?

I used to struggle with doubt much more than I do now. Sometime ago I read a quote that said you have to be your biggest fan, because if you can’t believe in yourself, who else will? It sounds a big negative on the surface, but helped me see that I have to believe in myself and my writing if I expect others to.

What scares you the most?

Probably the most comment fear: something happening to one of the kids.

What makes you happiest?

Currently, I’m just happy with my life. There are so many things I enjoy, and I’ve put a lot of energy and thought into building the life I want and being happy. I really enjoy spending time with my family, getting out in the woods, writing and reading.

What’s your greatest character strength?

My loyalty. I’d add my loyalty to my family, my dreams and doing what’s right.

What’s your weakest character trait?

Not minding the little life details. I can write a novel but it’s so hard to wash the pots the same day I cook.

Why do you write?

It’s my hobby, passion and job all rolled into one. I can’t imagine my life without writing stories. I love the experience of suddenly getting an idea, developing that idea and pulling everything together into a story. Writing never gets old because I learn new things with each book, and then I find new ideas and layers to add to each story, and the process gets more and more intuitive.

Have you always enjoyed writing?

I’ve always loved creating stories and characters. You might remember when you first learned about art or creating something as a kid. I jumped into writing, drawing and painting, and anything creative. It’s like magic to me!

What motivates you to write?

I love the high of a story coming together at a fast pace and the exhilaration of suddenly seeing a new plot twist. Sometimes, when I’m still feeling out a story or struggling to focus on work, I’ll read emails from readers or comments on my Facebook page.

What writing are you most proud of? (Add a link if you like)

I’m always in love with my current book! I put my heart and soul into Point Hope, and I think that paid off. After that, I was even worried that I had put everything into Point Hope and wouldn’t have that kind of passion for the next book. Now, however, I’m writing one called Costa Rica, and I’m finding a different kind of passion. It has some of the same themes, romance and family, and it has some fun differences too.

What are you most proud of in your personal life?

I was very shy and unsure of myself, but at one point I started thinking about what I really wanted in life and who I wanted to be. I set big goals and smaller ones along the way, and I pushed myself to do new things. I would find something new to do, and tell myself that if I could do that, I could do anything. I still find new challenges, and more and more I know I can achieve whatever I set my mind and heart to do.

What books did you love growing up?

Dr. Seuss, of course! I also had one called the Twelve Days of Christmas with beautiful illustrations. It showed a boy raccoon trying to win the love of the pretty girl raccoon.  Later on I read The Babysitter Club.

Who is your favorite author?

I have a group of favorite authors, and I’m adding all the time.

What book genre of books do you adore?

I read character driven novels in women’s fiction, literary, mystery and commercial.

Point Hope Cover

Buy Now @ Amazon

Genre - Romance (women’s fiction/ family drama)

Rating – PG13

More details about the author and the book

Connect with Kristen James on Facebook & Twitter

1 comment:

Between the Pages with Katrina said...

Great interview. I love the questions.


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