Friday 27 December 2013

Author Interview – Jade Kerrion @JadeKerrion

Tell us a bit about your family.
I’ve been happily married for eleven years, and I have two sons under the age of seven, with a third on the way. They keep me busy, and more importantly, the house is sloshing with testosterone. Even the pet fish is male…
How do you work through self-doubts and fear?
To be honest, I’m usually working so hard that I don’t have time literally to indulge in self-doubts and fears. I’ve been blessed in that success has often come my way if I want something enough and I work hard enough for it. As you can probably guess, I’m working very hard to succeed as a writer. Success (fingers crossed) will show up eventually. J
What scares you the most?
That I’ll somehow miss out on life because I’m so busy pursuing my goals. It’s a challenge balancing between all the things that have to be done.
What makes you happiest?
When my children crawl into my bed in the morning and demand a cuddle. I adore my two boys.
What’s your greatest character strength?
Persistence and conscientiousness (which are somewhat related.) I am capable of working very hard for extended periods of time to do what has to be done to succeed.
Eternal Night ebook
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Fantasy, Paranormal
Rating – PG-13
More details about the author and the book
Connect with Jade Kerrion on Facebook & Twitter

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