Wednesday 11 December 2013

Author Interview – Kara Stefanowich

What scares you most?

Off the top of my head I’d have to say spiders, sharks and drowning. But if you want me to dig deep then I would have to say failure. I spend my whole life striving to be the best I can be at everything I do. If I’m not giving 100% then I’m better off not doing it at all (whatever ‘it’ may be).

Why do you write?

In my heart of hearts I would have to say that I write to relieve tension, stress and/or as a form of therapy. I’ve never been any good at talking/speaking. I’m especially terrible at it when I’m passionate about the topic. I get tongue tied and my mind moves far faster than my mouth so by the time my mouth catches up to my brain, I find that I’ve left many things out on the speaking end. But when I write, I can think about it. I can reread my thoughts when I get too far ahead of myself, I can correct my grammar without anyone giving me funny looks or disapproving scowls. In the end, it comes out perfectly.

What are you most proud of in your life?

The thing that I’m most proud of in my life is not a person, thing or accomplishment. It’s the ability I’ve been given to observe, learn and grow. I can also say on a smaller measure, I am proud of the fact that I’m able to ‘take a lickin and keep on tickin’. Without these abilities I would never have had the strength to carry on with my writing career.

Who is your favorite author? Why?

The only author that constantly pops into my head when I try to be a better writer is Dean Koontz. Whenever I get stuck and wonder what I could have done better, I think of his work. He has an amazing way of building his characters. Not just that, but his story telling pulls you in, makes you ask questions right off the bat and keeps you reading until you’ve gotten the answers (which, by the way, always seem to come at just the right time). If there is any writer I would strive to be like, it’s him.

Location and life experiences have a way of imprinting on a writer’s work. Where did you grow up? Where do you live now?

I grew up (mostly) on a mountain in Northern Maine. We had a farm and little else. There was no running water or electricity so survival was just that…….survival. I did have the opportunity to move and live in many different places throughout my life, but it was mostly just in Maine. After I graduated, I moved back to the place of my birth, Massachusetts. It was a big change to move from the farm to the city. But I can easily say I’m very grateful for plumbing and electricity. I could elaborate but I’m saving that for another book. ;)

What is hardest, getting published, writing or marketing?

The answer to this is easily marketing. When I was writing my first publication, I was actually approached by a publisher who saw my work in progress as I wrote it in front of the world on Twitter. I quickly signed a contract and ‘BOOM’ I was published. As far as the actual writing goes, I can safely say it takes little effort on my part. When I write I’m free as a bird. It’s one of the reason’s I like it so much. It’s kind of like my car. It’s just another set of proverbial wings. Marketing, however, is like math to me. It’s impossible to understand. I never know what the masses are looking for. I have no idea how to break into the psyche of consumers everywhere and trick them into thinking they NEED to buy my book. Quite frankly, I have no interest in pressuring people into spending money on anything. So for me, this is a challenge. I’d rather pay someone else to do it. *laughs*


Buy Now @ Amazon

Genre - Paranormal Romance

Rating – R

More details about the author and the book

Connect with Kara Stefanowich on Facebook & Twitter


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