Friday 10 January 2014

7 Questions with #Author Ty Johnson-Anderson @invisible_soror #theinvisiblesorority

1. Tell us a bit about your family.
I am currently a cyber security analyst and I am married to a SGT in the United States Active Maryland State Guard. We have one daughter, in which we call our deployment baby which means she was conceived right after my deployment to Iraq.
2. How do you work through self-doubts and fear?
I literally just suck it up and push through, knots and all. I get scared and I literally want to vomit. From joining the military, deploying to Iraq, getting married, having kids, or starting a new career venture, you just have to push through it; because nothing is worse than regretting NOT doing something. You only have one life to live. Feel the butterflies and love them.
3. What scares you the most?
The thing scares me the most is not living up to my own expectations. I am a perfectionist when it comes to anything I take on. This is a curse because I never measure up, and will never will. Even if I hit the mark perfectly in one spot, I will fall short in another, leaving me to count the entire experience as a flop. I am working on that part of my personality.
4. What makes you happiest?
My family makes me the happiest, my husband and my daughter. No matter how much my day sucks, my daughter’s hugs will always loosen my tight attitude.
5. What’s your greatest character strength?
I would say its creativity. I have a knack at looking at something dissecting and figuring out a way to get there or recreate it, although I don’t always follow through. But that’s what left-brain individuals are for.
6. What’s your weakest character trait?
Definitely perfectionism and follow through. I always have so much going on that I often do not tend to finish anything. I get a spark of creativity, immerse myself in it, and lose interest. And if it’s not perfect, I get upset with myself a lot.
7. Why do you write?
I write to inspire survivors of sexual assault with my story. As survivors, we often walk around in our own little bubble thinking we are alone in our plight. And we aren’t. I want them to know, there are other Invisible Sorority members among us and we need to step out of the shadow of guilt and support one another.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre – Non-Fiction, Self Help-Abuse
Rating – PG-13
More details about the author and the book
Connect with Ty Johnson-Anderson on Facebook & Twitter

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