Tuesday 29 April 2014

7 Questions with JennaLee Gallicchio #Pets #AmReading #DogTraining

Tell us a bit about your family.
I am the oldest of four, one sister and two brothers. My entire life there was always an animal whether it was a cat, dog, bird if you can think it we probably had it at one time or another.  Even today all of my siblings still have pets.

How do you work through self-doubts and fear?
I use a lot of different modalities but my favorite is one called Emotional Freedom Technique also known as EFT.  It really helps me to move through my fears and self doubts. I call it my miracle!

What makes you happiest?
My pups really bring an amazing amount of joy to my life on a daily basis. They are my inspiration and my teachers.  I love that I get to learn with and from them all the time.  Their joy for life is contagious.

What’s your greatest character strength?
My willingness to keep trying.

What’s your weakest character trait?

Why do you write?
My reason for writing is the dogs. I want to help as many dogs as I can and the easiest way to do that is threw there humans.  That is why I write.

Have you always enjoyed writing?
I always used to journal..but I'm not sure that I've always enjoyed writing. I do feel like when I am writing that I am actually talking to the reader so for me it feels more like a lesson than writing.  I do enjoy speaking.


Two books in one! This book combines "The Secret To Getting Your Dog To Do What You Want" and "Teach Your Dog To Pee and Poop Outside: House training Made Easy".

The Secret To Getting Your Dog To Do What You Want

With so much information available today, training your dog can become confusing. Trying to understand exactly what is meant by a "reward" or "reinforcement" and how to use it properly can be frustrating to say the least.

Once you understand what defines a reward, why they are important and how to use them effectively only then will you have the secret to getting your dog to do what you want.
  • Does your dog get crazy when it's time to go out?
  • Does getting their leash on take forever and a day?
  • What about their food?
  • Are they calm or crazy?

Jenna shares with you a simple training exercise that will forever change what it's like to go out or getting their dinner ready. By using their desire to get what they want you can get them to do what you want! Calm and relaxed is the name of the game!

Once you've learned this simple exercise make sure that you apply it to every routine or behavior you want to change.

Teach Your Dog To Pee and Poop Outside: Housetraining Made Easy
  • New puppy?
  • New Dog?
  • Trouble with an older dog peeing and pooping in the house?
  • Multiple dog household that just seems to be out of control?

In this book you will learn:
  • Why an instinct that your dog possesses could sabotage your efforts if you're not using it to your advantage.
  • How to know your dog has to go BEFORE they go.
  • The different reasons people fail.
  • A step by step example of what a successful potty routine should look like.
  • An example of a schedule.
  • How to put peeing and pooping on cue.

This proven method of training will get you a housetrained dog, at any age in 30 days or less.

Jenna has put the program that she has used, not just with her dogs, but also with her clients, in writing just for you. This program is fail proof if you are committed to the end result of having a housetrained dog.

Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Dog Training, Animals
Rating – G
More details about the author
Connect with JennaLee Gallicchio through Facebook & Twitter

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