Tuesday 11 February 2014

Author Interview – Kristen Clark

Image of Kristen ClarkWhat motivates you to write?

I absolutely love the writing process. Writing is cathartic, creative, and expressive. I love to write about deeply rooted passions and life-changing experiences. I also love to use writing as a way to celebrate nature and compliment my skills in photography.

What writing are you most proud of?

I am most proud of my inspirational short stories published by Chicken Soup for the Soul. Having always been a fan of those books, I consider it a great honor to have my own works published by them. Knowing my story may inspire someone else is a real gift.

What are you most proud of in your personal life?

I’m most proud of overcoming my personal battle with low self-esteem and my ability to help others build confidence in an effort to experience greater personal success. In building confidence I found the courage to write and submit my first work for publication. In building confidence I found the courage to help others do the same.

What books did you love growing up?

I loved Nancy Drew mystery books and couldn’t wait for the summer months when I could spend my vacation reading. To this day, I still love mysteries – film and print.

Who is your favorite author?

My favorite author is Joyce Meyer. Her inspirational non-fiction books are encouraging and life-changing. I would love to write transformational books like hers.

What book genre of books do you adore?

I love poetry of all kinds. I like poems that are simple and easy to read. I like words that rhyme. I like verses that can dance on a melody. I like stories that swim with colorful imagery. I like the whimsical and capricious. Poetry is good for the spirit; it lifts me up and stimulates my creative juices.

How did you develop your writing?

Writing is an art form that requires constant development. As a result, I make it a priority to write daily, attend writing conferences each year, and take writing courses and workshops whenever possible. I also make it a priority to read daily; I believe the best writers are also avid readers. But the journey began when I sat down to write my first short story, nearly ten years ago.

Where do you get your inspiration from?

My inspiration is God-given. My heart’s desire is to put pen to paper and share my experience, strength, and hope with others in an effort to offer an encouraging word and help improve someone else’s life.

What is hardest – getting published, writing or marketing?

For most writers, the hardest part is marketing. That’s simply because most writers struggle with self-promotion and don’t invest in learning the marketing-side of the business. I find marketing the easiest because my professional background includes sales, strategy and planning, and marketing. So, for me, the hardest part is the writing.

What marketing works for you?

I manage most of my own marketing and have the greatest success using social media, video, and article marketing to drive traffic to my website, build web-page stickiness, and convert browsers to buyers. Also, I have learned the value of strong copywriting in all of my marketing efforts. Strong copy-writing and using words that sell are key in eliciting a response from my readers; this is what makes them buy.


Buy Now @ Amazon

Genre - Poetry

Rating – G

More details about Kristen Clark the author and the book

Website www.allthingsbutterflies.com

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