Tuesday 18 March 2014

7 Questions with #Author Shelley Davidow @shelleydavidow #YA #SciFi

1) What’s your greatest character strength?
My ability to adapt to any situation.
2) What’s your weakest character trait?
My ability to adapt to any situation!
3) Why do you write?
Writing is a compulsion. I write because narratives are constantly weaving themselves into existence, and they do this whether I want them to or not!
4) Have you always enjoyed writing?
I’ve loved writing ever since  I first learned that small words on a page opened doors to vast universes of infinite possibility.
5) What writing are you most proud of?
My memoir, The Eye of the Moon http://www.amazon.com/The-Eye-Moon-Shelley-Davidow/dp/097466832X is the closest I’ve come to words doing what I want them to do. Lights Over Emerald Creek http://haguepublishing.com/sample/LightsOverEmeraldCreek.html also does something I wanted it to do in terms of weaving fact with science fiction. I have to say, though, pride is not what I feel. Close to satisfied would be much more accurate. I don’t think there’s room for pride in real craftsmanship.
6) What books did you love growing up?
The Railway Children, Five Children and IT, The Children of Green Knowe, The Secret Garden…the William books by Richmal Crompton, the Earthsea books….
7) Who is your favorite author?
Too many to mention: I love Ursula K Le Guin, Kurt Vonnegut, Raymond Carver, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Philip Pullman…
Lucy Wright, sixteen and a paraplegic after a recent car accident that took her mother's life, lives in Queensland on a 10,000 acre farm with her father. When Lucy investigates strange lights over the creek at the bottom of the property, she discovers a mystery that links the lights to the science of cymatics and Scotland’s ancient Rosslyn Chapel.
But beyond the chapel is an even larger mystery. One that links the music the chapel contains to Norway’s mysterious Hessdalen lights, and beyond that to Saturn and to the stars. Lucy’s discoveries catapult her into a parallel universe connected to our own by means of resonance and sound, where a newly emerging world trembles on the edge of disaster. As realities divide, her mission in this new world is revealed and she finds herself part of a love story that will span the galaxy.
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Young Adult SF
Rating - PG
More details about the author
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