Monday 15 October 2012

#Orangeberry Book Review - Generosity of Strangers: When War Came to FornelliGenerosity of Strangers: When War Came to Fornelli by Thomas E. Antonaccio

Generosity of Strangers:  When War Came to FornelliGenerosity of Strangers: When War Came to Fornelli by Thomas E. Antonaccio
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This is a touching book that deserves far more attention than it is getting right now. As far as I am concerned, it should be turned into a movie or a tv series. It was such a joy to read something so sincere and family oriented.

My youngest has been ill and the eldest has been trying to make himself useful 'helping' me. To keep him occupied, I read bits of this book to him. And his little mind was horrified about the struggles highlighted. How does one survive without an iPad? No Toys'r'us? On a side note, this book created a bonding moment with my son that I will never forget.

I suspect that this is a book that will reach out to you differently at different stages of your life. It's lessons are also not to be missed. Appreciation for the things you have and gratitude for the ones you are with, are some of the qualities we don't see as often as we would like to these days.

So if you do buy it, which I suggest you do, keep it close to you and pick it up whenever you're having a down moment. As bleak as the theme may be, you'll be grateful for your little problems.

Would I recommend this read? Oh yes, definitely.

Overall assessment:
Content: 4.5/5
Editing: 4.5/5
Formatting: 4.5/5
Pacing: 4.5/5
Offensive content?: PG, because it touches on war but it can be read to a child.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author through Orangeberry Book Tours. I did not receive any payment in exchange for this review nor was I obligated to write a positive one.

View all my reviews

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