Thursday 30 May 2013

Author Interview – AK Taylor

How long have you been writing? For writing in general, I started when I was about 8 years old—I wrote small things like poems and short stories. I wrote my first novel when I was 16. I have been writing for about 24 years, but as a novelist for about 16 years.

What is your favorite color? Black—it looks great on and it adds boldness to other colors when it is a backdrop.

What genre are you most comfortable writing? For the most part, science fiction and fantasy action adventure. I am on the verge of dabbling with thrillers and mysteries since they are almost the same as action adventure. Even playing with nonfiction a bit.

What is your favorite food? Chocolate! It’s something I can’t get enough of or ever tire of. I’m a certified chocoholic/addict. If I had to have an addiction or be a –holic of something edible, it would be chocolate!

What is your favorite place in the entire world? In the middle of the woods beside a creek, river, or a waterfall.

What inspired you to write your first book? Nature and my own pretend adventures I had in the woods and the backyard as a child.

Did you intend to make writing a career? Probably when I first started writing I knew I would be a writer, but I had my doubts of doing it professionally. I first started doing it as a release and an escape. It was encouragement from others and from trying to “find my way” in life did I realize this was my chosen path.

What is your greatest strength as a writer? My ability for world building and character creation; I was doing this before I learned my ABCs, write my name, or learned HOW to write. Since I am such a visual writer I can see the places and “people” (not everyone is human) in my head and they just come to life. I am also a free thinker so I usually don’t follow the crowd and think outside the box.

After crash landing into self publishing with nothing but the clothes she had on, author AK Taylor fought for survival with trying to market her books on a small budget. After two years of trial and error, reworking, refining, and reaching out, she has created the first survival guide for book marketing compiled of great tools and resources that can be used by any author during the rough times.

Comparing the book marketing wilderness with the real wilderness is how Taylor viewed the publishing world around her. Growing up in the woods and learning survival skills has given her this unique viewpoint for a different kind of world. When she started her search for information, a book marketing survival guide didn’t exist—until now.

Buy Now @ Amazon

Genre – NonFiction

Rating – G

More details about the author

Connect with Amanda Taylor on Facebook & Twitter & GoodReads

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks so much!


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