Friday 31 May 2013

#Orangeberry Book Review - Helga: Out of Hedgelands by Rick Johnson

Helga: Out of Hedgelands (Wood Cow Chronicles, #1)Helga: Out of Hedgelands by Rick Johnson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a long overdue review which I overlooked posting. I read this book some months ago and then recently re-read it during a book club meeting. The setting of the story has been skillfully created by the author and if one follows the TV series Merlin, you will feel the same kind of magic and appreciation for all things that cannot be unexplained.

There were parts of this book that you will need a lot of patience as it twists and turns into the next development. While I appreciated the writing at all times, the twists did distract me and I wasn't at all sure where the story was going. Then there are parts of the book that move rapidly, taking you on an adventure and has you wishing you were there.

The end is somewhat unexplained so I am assuming there will be another book in the series which I look forward to reading.

Would I recommend this read? Oh yes, definitely.

Overall assessment:
Content: 4/5
Editing: 4/5
Formatting: 4/5
Pacing: 4/5
Offensive content?: G for theme and content, although it might be better understood by children aged 7 and above.

Disclosure: I received a review copy of this book from the author via Orangeberry Book Tours. I did not receive any payment in exchange for this review nor was I obliged to write a positive one.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comments and review! I really appreciate your feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed the story and I'll try to serve you another readers will like. Volume Two of the Wood Cow Chronicles will be published in late summer and, yes, you are correct that the second volume will tie back to Volume One. Volume One introduces characters, storylines, and leaves some unanswered questions, that will be central to Volume Two. Which of the back-stories from Volume One will become very significant in Volume Two? I look forward to sharing that answer with you later this summer!


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