How did you come up with the title?
The Hand of Kali series is a Trilogy based on the three key elements of the Goddess Kali- Fire, Blood and Time. I’d played with different names but in the end I liked the simplicity of the three powers.
Can you tell us about your main character?
In FIRE (the Hand of Kali #1) Maya Rao just wants to be normal, the all-American girl. She’s tired of being different and just wants to fit in. What she doesn’t know is that she is the furthest from normal that she could possibly be.
Who designed the cover?
My cover artist Eduardo Priego
Why did you choose to write this particular book?
I’d written Norse mythology for my first YA so I thought I would play around with a different mythology and chose Indian because as far as I know it has never been done this way before in YA
Will you write others in this same genre?
Yes, definitely. I love writing YA and I especially love mythology. I already have a few stories to look at in terms of what’s next on my project list
Can we expect any more books from you in the future?
Definitely. There is no reason to stop writing.
Dead Chaos – book 3 in the Valkyrie series will be out end of Sep 2013
Blood and Time – books 2 & 3 in the Kali series will be out Dec 2013 and mid 2014
Lost Soul and Second Chance – books 2 & 3 in the Darkworld series will be out late 2013 and mid 2014
Have you started another book yet?
I’ve started Lost Soul- #2 in my Darkworld series and I’ve outlined the plot for Blood, the second book in my Hand of Kali series and I’m looking forward to finalising that and getting on to writing it as soon as Lost Soul is written.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Hopefully still writing and still loving it as much as I do now.
What are your current writing projects now?
Right now I am putting the final touches to the edits of Dead Chaos, the last book in my Young Adult Valkyrie series. We’re looking at a release end of September. I’m also chugging my way through the word count for Lost Soul the second book in my New Adult Urban Fantasy series. I should have this written and ready for revisions by the end of September.
Are you reading any interesting books at the moment?
Shadows by Ilsa J. Bick, Crown of Midnight by Sarah J. Maas, The Killing Place by Tess Gerritsen, and Game of Thrones by GRR Martin
What contributes to making a writer successful?
If you apply yourself, set your goals, write those books and don’t be afraid of hard work success is waiting for you. And working at you craft is so very important. Writers are learning all the time, be open to learning new ways, new styles, new tricks. If you are happy to continue learning and being a better writer then you are on your way. It’s just a matter of working hard and writing well.
What do you do to unwind and relax?
A glass of wine and a good book at the end of the day, or dinner and a movie with DH to make it more special.
Buy Now @ Amazon @ Smashwords
Genre – YA Fantasy/Paranormal
Rating – PG13
More details about the author and the book
Website http://tgayer.wordpress.com/
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