If you could meet one person who has died who would you choose? Audrey Hepburn. Not only was she beautiful, gracious, and talented, her courage during World War II and her illness were inspiring.
What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Cold Pizza or bacon (you can put eggs with the bacon, but I could do without those).
Pet Peeves? Rudeness. Entitlement.
Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book. In the pages of each of my books is a real world full of people not just characters.
Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects? There are always books in the works. I’m working on the fifth book in the witness series and hope to have that published by the end of December. Then I’ll begin the final book of that series which is going to have a huge twist. After that, I plan to create a series for Hannah. I would also love to make Before Her Eyes into a series. I think the combination of sophisticated fantasy combined with a police procedural makes for an exciting read. Of course, these plans don’t include the ideas I have for stand-alone books. I’ll need to live to be 110.
What inspired you to want to become a writer? I was dared to write a book and I couldn’t turn down such an exciting challenge. I found my passion when that first one was written and published. With twenty-seven books under my belt, the desire to be a better writer and tell a better story has only grown.
Tell us your most rewarding experience since being published. My husband and my sons independently told me how proud they were of what I had accomplished. It still brings tears to my eyes when I think of these men having my back. Every creative person needs a cheerleader, and I am lucky to have three.
What was your favorite book when you were a child/teen? Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys mysteries.
When you were little, what did you want to be when you “grew up”? I was one of six kids so I wanted to be the person who told other people what to do! That didn’t work out in real life, but when I write I can tell my characters what to do (most of the time).
Can you see yourself in any of your characters? I don’t look like Josie Bates, but I definitely speak through her. She inherited my worldview about relationships, justice and work ethic; Hannah inherited all my bizarre fears. I like to think I’d be as courageous as those two ladies if called upon, but I hope I never have to be tested like they have.
What’s the best advice anyone has ever given you? Work hard, suck it up when things go wrong, change what’s not working, and move on. I love that. That philosophy is straightforward and applicable to every single situation in life.
Hidden talent? I can make anything with fabric. My mother taught me to sew when I was 8. I can whip up a suit, an evening gown or tea towels at the drop of a hat.
If you could have a signed copy of any novel what would it be and why? Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. That novel was haunting and an example of seamless storytelling. I love that the author never named the heroine. Mrs. Danvers still gives me nightmares. The twist at the end? The best!
Which authors have influence you most how? There are famous authors I admire and who have influenced my writing: Stephen King, Agatha Christie, Patricia Cornwell, Scott Turow. I think my romance author friends take the inspirational honors, though. They are so creative within strict genre constraints. I am in awe of their creativity and discipline.
What do you do in your free time? Play in a tennis league (backhand volley is my best shot), sew, quilt, cook, throw dinner parties (always looking for interesting folk to seat around the table), read, go to the movies, watch cooking shows, visit my mom and my mother-in-law, travel, travel and travel.
Give us a glimpse into a typical day in your day starting when you wake up till you lie down again. Up at 5:30 with my husband, read the paper, pick up/clean up the house, eat breakfast, pack up computer and go to my favorite coffee shop and work there. I answer email from 7:30-9:00, write until 1:00 or 2:00, errands, home, laundry, chores, more emails, prepare for conferences, book groups, speeches, surf the net looking at great reading/writing blogs or information, research new ideas, cook dinner, clean up, watch Jeopardy, Wheel of Fortune, read and/or edit, fall asleep to the news. Did I leave anything out?
How did you celebrate the sale of your first book? I bought a computer that needed code and was the size of my refrigerator. I could never figure out how it worked.
Favorite music? I am a big fan of country music – contemporary, classic, Bluegrass. Big dream? See Lyle Lovett in concert.
What is the one book everyone should read? The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. I’m usually not terribly sentimental, but I loved that story.

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Genre – Legal Thriller
Rating – PG13
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