Thursday 25 July 2013

Author Interview – Jessica James

What is your favorite quote, by whom, and why? “If the wind will not serve, take to the oars.” – Latin Proverb
It’s a good quote about life in general, but is especially relevant for authors. There are many people out there who are waiting for the right time (the wind). You just have to sit down and start writing.
What are you most proud of accomplishing so far in your life? Winning the John Esten Cooke Award for Southern Fiction for my Civil War novel NOBLE CAUSE.
What is your favorite color? Blue
What is your favorite food? Favorite snack foods are Popcorn (with lots of butter), and Tator Tots with cheese on top.
What’s your favorite place in the entire world? My back porch.
When and why did you begin writing? I was a journalist for 18 years, so it seems like I have always been a writer. Changing to fiction, however, especially 19th century fiction, was quite a change, and was pretty much like starting from scratch.
What inspires you to write and why? The brave men and women who helped shape this country inspire me to write stories that will get others interested in our heritage and learn about the honor and courage that were once a prevalent part of our culture.
Above and Beyond
Buy Now @ Amazon @Smashwords
Genre - Christian Fiction
Rating – G
More details about the author & the book
Connect with Jessica James on Facebook

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