Wednesday 31 July 2013

Author Interview – Keira Michelle Telford

What makes you happiest? A guinea pig purring.
Why do you write? Because the voices tell me to.
Have you always enjoyed writing? It’s the one constant in my life. It’s like therapy, only cheaper. And my ‘therapist’ alternates from being a monster-fighting badass to a sexy whorehouse Madam.
What do you hope your obituary will say about you? Prolific writer and eccentric recluse, Keira Michelle Telford, dies alone in her New York City apartment, surrounded by guinea pigs.
Do you find it hard to share your work? Sometimes. It depends how personal it is to me. I had difficulty with The Magistrate, because I developed such a close bond with the character Emmeline ‘Lina’ MacKinsey. I felt like she belonged to me, and I didn’t want the rest of the world to have her. But then I realized that she was never really mine to begin with: she’s always belonged to Carmen Wild, the protagonist of The Magistrate.
Do you plan to publish more books? Hells yeah! I’m currently working on the second book in the Prisonworld Trilogy, The Procuress, and the next book in the SILVER Series, Lex Talionis (which is also book one of the Outlier Trilogy, as the final 3 SILVER books not only go hand-in-hand with the prior 7 books, but also standalone).
How do you write – lap top, pen, paper, in bed, at a desk? All of the above. I do most of my writing at a laptop, but take notepads with me everywhere, so if the laptop’s not available I’ll write by hand. I also write in bed, on my iPhone.
How much sleep do you need to be your best? I’m nocturnal. I go to bed usually between 4 and 6am, and wake at around noon or 1pm. If I manage to get 7hrs of sleep between those times, then I’m a very happy bunny. Unfortunately, I’m lucky if I can get 5hrs most days. Between waking up to lawnmowers and other daytime noises filtering in through the open window (hazard of being nocturnal, I guess) and having to quickly type out notes on my iPhone before I doze back off and forget them, I quite often spend more time staring at the pillow than I do actually sleeping.
Tell us about your new book? What’s it about and why did you write it? The Magistrate is about two women who fall in love in a world where being gay is outlawed. I’ve always said that my books (the Prisonworld Trilogy and the SILVER Series) are about enduring love: deep love that can’t be crushed by anything, be that distance, forced separation, law, or even (in some cases) death. Love is the greatest power on Earth, and no matter how hideous the environment you live in, love will always remain pure and uncompromising.
When you are not writing, how do you like to relax? Writing is relaxing to me. If I don’t write every day, I get tense and irritable. But I guess, when I take a break from the keyboard for a few minutes, the other thing I like to do to relax is to cuddle a guinea pig. (And no, that’s not a euphemism!).
The Magistrate
Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Lesbian Romance/ Dystopian/ Neo-Victorian
Rating – R (18+)
More details about the author & the book
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1 comment:

KM Telford said...

Thanks for having me! :)


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