Tuesday 21 August 2012

#OBSummer #Books - Ford 99 - Convicted

Buy Now @ Amazon Kindle & Smashwords
Genre - Christian Fiction Thriller 
Rating - PG (Murder Scene)
More details about the book
Connect with Tim Hughes on Twitter

She looked down at the ground. Declan could see her blushing slightly. The shame on her face made his heart go out to her.

“Hey, money is tight everywhere,” he said. “I’ve got some money to buy food and stuff for the two of us. Don’t worry yourself about it. Besides, if the hurricane destroys the city, buying food will be impossible anyway. We’ll just have to live off of peanut butter sandwiches and Ramen noodles.” He gave her a big goofy grin.

Her face lit up. “Just like the old days, huh?”


She let go of his hand. “I’ve got to go get the sheets on the bed in the guest room,” she said. “We need to get some sleep while we can, I can hear the wind starting to pick up outside. If the storm passes close by, the wind will get too loud to even think before too long.”

They both looked out the sliding doors that lead to the backyard. The rain had just begun to fall, the first drops visible as dark spots on the patio concrete. In the distance, the first gentle roll of thunder made itself known, barely audible over the white noise of the ceiling fan in the kitchen.

“Sleep sounds like a good idea. Let me finish off this sandwich and I’ll come help you,” he said.

“No need. It’ll only take me a minute. Enjoy the rest of your food and relax.”

With that, she headed out of the kitchen.

“Marlene,” he said as she crossed the doorway that led to the living room.

She turned around and looked at him.

“Not a word to anyone about me being here. For your safety,” he said.

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