Wednesday 29 August 2012

#OBSummer #Books - Ford 99 - The Lonely Chair

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Genre - Picture Book
Rating - G 
More details about the book

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This book is a picture book, so page 9 in The Lonely Chair The Story is the beginning of the memories that Grandma and James share about Grandpa.

On page 9, Grandma tells the story about the first patch on Grandpa's chair. This patch covers a hole made by a screwdriver that Grandpa left in his pocket when he came in to rest.

James, the narrator, does not move because he wants to hear these stories about Grandpa. He wants to spend this precious time with Grandma. Grandma sighs after telling this story, after remembering, and prepares to continue.

This page creates interest for the reader because of the story, the patch. Why is the narrator telling the reader about this? Why are they talking about Grandpa's chair? Why is the chair patched?

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